Something to cheer you up!
Well, the weather is pretty shocking here at the moment, which for us makes planting and picking more challenging…but our thoughts and best wishes go out to the farmers in other areas, including Somerset, who are having an extremely tough time.
We have a few new things in the Farm Shop to brighten things up, and some great ideas for eating well on a budget…so see you soon!

Layla’s Heavenly Creations!
Layla has been busy creating some new cake recipes…first out were these delicious Red Velvet cupcakes, especially for Valentine’s Day, light as air sponge with a creamy cream cheese topping! She has also been baking Chocolate and Beetroot Brownies, which are available in our cafe now, and in the farm shops next week. Don’t be put off by the concept of veg in cakes…look at the carrot cake and how we were all sceptical at first! The beetroot works a treat, adding a sweet earthy flavour which really compliments the chocolate…and of course the beetroot is homegrown! Watch out for more delicious cakes coming this way!

In Season and Fresh from the Farm!
Purple Sprouting Broccoli Potatoes (inc Mayan Gold and Pink Fir Apple) Carrots Beetroot (bunched and loose) Swede Kale and Cavolo Nero Swiss Chard Leeks Jerusalem Artichokes Dried Garlic

Seville Orange Marmalade
Our homemade Seville Orange Marmalade is available in the farm shop now…but be quick as it’s only around for a few weeks, and it is really rather special!

New! Cookware Range
We have a lovely new range of high quality, attractive kitchenware…including some from the Jamie Oliver range! Items include mashers, garlic crushers, knives, graters, peelers and lots more. Happy cooking…!
Eat Well for Less!
Have you been watching ‘Food and Drink’ on Tuesday nights? They’ve been looking at how to cook up cheaper, but no less tasty food, using different cuts of meat. They’ve cooked a beef steak called ‘mouse’ (because it has a pointed nose!) This is also known as Eye of Silverside, which we sell as a whole joint or which Tony can slice into steaks for you! Delicious pan fried for a couple of minutes each side, and is a change from rump or sirloin. Here is a link to another recipe using breast of lamb – BBC Two – Food & Drink Breast of Lamb recipe…delicious, inexpensive and even better using our homereared lamb!
Anglesey Farmers Market
Anglesey Farmers Market is at Ysgol David Hughes on Saturday the 15th February from 9am – 1pm…and a great opportunity to buy fresh and local!